June 8, 2024

Many teens are anxious to earn some extra spending money in the summer. A traditional job can be great, but side hustles offer many benefits. Teens who start summer side hustles are actively developing their creativity and entrepreneurial skills. For tweens, often a traditional summer job is not possible either because they are too young,

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June 5, 2024

Summer is upon us, and for many it is a great time of year for a side hustle. Whether you’re aiming to pay down some debt, pad your savings account, or want some extra spending money, here is a list of summer side hustles for adults. Side Hustles in the Great Outdoors Offering landscape design

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February 22, 2023

As an experienced accountant who has worked in public accounting and has run multiple online businesses, including Etsy shops and websites, I have a lot of experience to share with small business owners, especially those in the e-commerce space. In this post, I’m going to outline the important details you need to consider when you

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February 17, 2022

Starting a side hustle is a great way to earn extra money and develop skills that can help you advance your career or build a business. While there are dozens of side hustles you could try (check out this list for ideas), it’s important to take an honest look at your situation and figure out

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August 30, 2019

As your business grows, you may need to bring on someone to help you. This might mean working with a virtual assistant for things like social media management or customer support, hiring a photographer for your Etsy shop or blog, or finding someone to help you fulfill orders for your Etsy shop. But before you

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April 9, 2018

Starting a business can be so exciting! Whether you are looking to supplement your family’s budget with a side income, or want to earn a full-time income, starting a small business can be the answer. There are so many possibilities when it comes to creating a business, and it is easier than ever to get

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April 7, 2018

If you are like me, you have always wanted to be an entrepreneur. Your mind is constantly churning with possible small business ideas. Your problem is selecting the right business idea. Or maybe you never thought you would be an entrepreneur, but your family could really use some extra income, and starting a small business

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April 6, 2018

You have finally done it! You just hit “Publish” on your very first blog post . . . or you added your first listing to your Etsy shop . . . or you signed up for your very first craft fair . . . or you just sold a handmade purse to your friend! All

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April 4, 2018

Your blog is starting to take off! Your Etsy shop is beginning to grow! You know you have a business on your hands, not just a hobby, so what’s next? Before you register your business, you need to choose a business structure. Believe me, it sounds scarier than it is. Let’s find out which structure is

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April 3, 2018

I think starting a business is one of the most exciting things anyone can do! Who doesn’t want to make some side income and have more flexibility with your work and home life? One of the not so exciting parts of starting a business is actually registering your business, and taking care of all the legal and

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