Entrust Your Etsy, Amazon, and eBay Bookkeeping To An Expert.

To grow your Etsy, eBay, or Amazon seller business, you rely on up to date financials to drive your decisions. We can help.

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We manage your books so you can run your business.

Selling on Etsy, eBay, and Amazon often starts as a side hustle and transitions into a full-time business. As your business grows, it can be difficult to keep up with tasks like bookkeeping.

Finding a bookkeeper who understand the needs of eCommerce businesses is also a challenge. That's where we come in.

At Small Business Sarah, we focus on serving eCommerce sellers. Our team of bookkeepers understands the unique challenges of running an eCommerce store and the importance of up to date financial information.

We partner with you to provide end of month financial statements so you have the information you need to make smart decisions about your business.


Discover how we help you grow your business.

You can't make informed decisions about your business unless you have a solid and timely grasp on your financial situation.

By working with a professional bookkeeper who focuses on Etsy, eBay, and Amazon sellers, you get the information you need to make informed decisions about your business.


Check what our clients are saying

"I used to dread dealing with my finances. I knew that it was important to keep updated, but it just took so much of my time each week. And when I was done, things were still a mess. I couldn't get the numbers to match and I wasn't sure of how to handle Shopify + QuickBooks (even with Sarah's amazing videos). After hiring Sarah to help with clean up a few times I knew it was time to hiring her and hand over the books. 

I feel so much relief and peace knowing that my books are updated and correct. The monthly reports have been so helpful now I know what is working in my business and what isn't. This has helped me double down in the areas that are actually profitable!"

LaToya Edwards

Founder, Women Finding God

"Before working with Sarah I felt overwhelmed with the task of doing my own bookkeeping. I was never certain I was doing it correctly and it took up a lot of my time.

Working with Sarah means that I spend less time worrying about my bookkeeping and more time focusing on my business. It also allows me to see monthly reports that help me make better decisions as a business owner. I couldn't be more thankful to have Sarah on my team."

Kerry Greer

Etsy Seller, Creative Party Design

"Before working with Sarah I found bookkeeping to be a big pain point of my business. I didn't feel confident about my ability to keep track of all of my business finances, especially in regards to my Etsy shop.

In working with Sarah, she has given me such a clear big picture of my business. From her reports each month, I can quickly and clearly see how I am doing and if I'm meeting my business goals and projections for the year."

Alison McKown

Etsy seller, Just Add Confetti

"Before working with Sarah, I always had a nagging feeling that I was forgetting something in my books, or something maybe didn’t add up—and I was only going to find out come tax time.

Working with Sarah has given me peace of mind, and the confidence that comes along with it. I trust that everything is accounted for every month, which has made it possible for me to literally ignore the books. You can’t beat that!"

Nicole Hunn



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