How to Start a Business?

Thinking about starting a business?

For some people, starting a business is a dream they've had for a long time, while others end up starting a business by accident. Basically, if you're making money from selling goods, digital products, or services, you have a business.

That's when most people ask, now what?

Once you get used to the fact that you have a business, you'll probably start to wonder (or worry) about things like business registration, taxes, and marketing. And while all of these are important topics for a business owner to consider, it can be overwhelming to try to focus on all of them at the same time.

That's why it can be helpful to have someone who has been there walk you through the basics steps of setting up your business. In fact, that's the reason I created a FREE resource called The Small Business Start Up Checklist--to help you know what you need to do one step at a time.

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Starting a business is an exciting journey, but it can also feel a bit overwhelming. If you're looking for practical resources to walk you through the steps to getting started, be sure to check out these posts below.

How to Start a Business

Fun Summer Side Hustle Ideas for Teens and Tweens

Many teens are anxious to earn some extra spending money in the summer. A traditional job can be great, but side hustles offer many benefits. Teens who start summer side hustles are actively developing their creativity and entrepreneurial skills. For tweens, often a traditional summer job is not possible either because they are too young,

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Creative Summer Side Hustles

Summer is upon us, and for many it is a great time of year for a side hustle. Whether you’re aiming to pay down some debt, pad your savings account, or want some extra spending money, here is a list of summer side hustles for adults. Side Hustles in the Great Outdoors Offering landscape design

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5 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Side Hustle

Starting a side hustle is a great way to earn extra money and develop skills that can help you advance your career or build a business. While there are dozens of side hustles you could try (check out this list for ideas), it’s important to take an honest look at your situation and figure out

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How to Start Your Own Amazing Business

Starting a business can be so exciting! Whether you are looking to supplement your family’s budget with a side income, or want to earn a full-time income, starting a small business can be the answer. There are so many possibilities when it comes to creating a business, and it is easier than ever to get

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Four Simple Steps to your Best Small Business Idea

If you are like me, you have always wanted to be an entrepreneur. Your mind is constantly churning with possible small business ideas. Your problem is selecting the right business idea. Or maybe you never thought you would be an entrepreneur, but your family could really use some extra income, and starting a small business

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Is Your Hobby Actually a Business? Find out Now!

You have finally done it! You just hit “Publish” on your very first blog post . . . or you added your first listing to your Etsy shop . . . or you signed up for your very first craft fair . . . or you just sold a handmade purse to your friend! All

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The Joys and Challenges of Starting a Business

When I started my first online business way back in 2012, there was a lot I didn't know. However, the one thing I did know was how to do my small business bookkeeping and taxes. Armed with an accounting degree and CPA license, I wasn't worried a bit about crunching the numbers for my business.

My understanding of finances provided a great business foundation. And over the following years, I learned about many other aspects of business, from writing e-books to growing a list of email subscribers. I also tried different things in my business until I found things that I really enjoyed.

One of my favorite things I do in my business is help other business owners learn how to do their own bookkeeping. I have a YouTube channel with videos that show you how to use QuickBooks Online to manage your small business bookkeeping.

Be sure to stay in touch and sign up for my newsletter so you can can get helpful business tips and information each week.


Small Business Sarah

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